sincerely one of the greatest articles i've ever read

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Also he used a slur (g*psy) in describing himself. Sorry but actual Roma do not do any of this crazy shit, Jerry. We are far more normal.

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Thank you for this investigative journalism. His twitter posts have haunted me for years. Watering down gas station coffee is worse than I could imagine, and more than I could have ever hoped for.

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The real reason is probably because it provides him with 30 minutes of peace and quiet each evening, out of the house, away from work, just enjoying the drive.

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I think it's an elaborate art piece. The dishwasher shot convinced me.

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Let's hope that Jerry is a member of the 7Rewards club and receives credit for every coffee he purchases. Buy 7 cups and get ONE free.

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Thank you for this, Dan

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the most uninsightful, uncritical, boring, saccharin, buffoon art critic published and proof positive there is no god in the universe. if god existed, the barristas of nyc, on reading this article would have kidnapped jerry and coffee boarded him until he was no more than a silent, paralyzed, blubbering slug.

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This is a better article than all of the other articles that have ever been created, by anyone.

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Why didn't this win a Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting???!?

Also: wow. I do not drink coffee but know how to make (reportedly, good) coffee.

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Very funny, made my day. Thank you. (of course, can't think about the coffee! YUCK!)

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I didn’t think I could laugh about this. I didn’t think I could do that thing where my stomach muscles clench and I freeze and no sound is coming out and no air is going out or in. I didn’t think I could do that thing where I laugh so hard I cry. Not about this.

I was wrong.

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And then there's the absurd amount of time and energy documenting his process. Which one might frame as a kind of performance, perhaps even a sort of "art," but... but... but.... This is breaking down faster than a paper bodega cup on re-use #3...

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