I bought a round trip ticket from San Francisco to Las Vegas for $45.36 leaving on Friday, January 24 and returning Tuesday, Jan 28 thinking I might book a tour with Walter Schriefels of the Punk Rock Museum and attend the conversation on the St Victus book.

I ended up deciding to bail because I’m broke and did not feel like sleeping the the Vegas airport for 4 nights in a row and spend money I did not have.

Thanks for your review Dan… it made me feel as if I was almost there.


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"How much ska would be included? Obviously any would be too much." haha exactly. I never know this museum existed---thanks!

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OK, I'm still skeptical because after working in a record store for 15 years, I went back to school to become a librarian and have been working in actual museums for the past six years. I reached out to someone that I know is part of the Punk Rock Museum team and asked how they're handling collection materials, storage, loan paperwork, cataloging of items, etc and they told me, "We've got good people for that," but when I asked if I could reach out to that person to talk shop, I was ignored. I appreciate the sentiment behind it, but a bunch of shit in display cases with "museum" slapped on the building is hardly a museum in practice. See also: the Metal Blade Museum and Museum of Post-Punk and Industrial Music.

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I spent a week in NYC in March 2023. My ONE and ONLY regret is not going to see 84 Tigers at Saint Vitus when I had the chance. Damnit. Glad you've got such good memories of it.

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