Geoffrey Asmus is a national treasure and possibly the best most intelligent comic doing crowd work out there. And as a lifelong huge GD fan, fuck I kinda believe Tom. It was when his buddies backed him up about playing Good Riddance at their '84 graduation that made me a believer. Someone do their sleuthing and find out where Tom graduated from, start interviewing classmates, and obtain video of this graduation!

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Love his podcast with Alex Dragicevich, You're An Idiot

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Except at the beginning of the clip, Geoffrey points out that Tom s is 61 years old, which means he would have graduated in 1980 or 81. Perhaps he was held back several grades because he was spending all of his time writing really famous songs?

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Sweet Children remains etched into the rafters at Gilman!

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Gilman is a brewery now...

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I just had tom as my uber driver so that’s why i got searching to it, he talks about what was in this post. He said when he wrote it and how he preformed it at graduation and tbh i believe him he said how he thought of the song as it was originally called confusion and he was a confused teen i think. He had been a life long musician and talks about being in his fifties. I trust him.

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He said we was a musician all his life and has worked with multiple bands, and they switch them out every few years. He played guitar.

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I love that this was the top google result after searching "Green Day songwriter Tom S". Just finished watching Geoff's video and glad to see someone smarter than I did the research.

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Same. I thought no way this first search result is about the same tom. Lol man I called bs but thought ill see what Google can tell me and boom first result proves my bs intuition correct. Oh the beauty of the internet and faster than thought results.

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